Monday, 31 March 2014

Manic Monday Morning

So today I have...
  • picked up the passport from Scott's agency with the Belarus visa in it
  • bought a personal locator beacon because for the last week or two most people I've talked to have been helpfully advising how I may die on this trip but apparently a PLB might help
  • visited the Vietnam Embassy again and got the dates changed as needed
  • done a TV interview for ITV about my pothole crash two years ago and recent reluctant payout by Surrey County Council (6pm ITV this evening)
  • picked up five different currencies at Best Foreign Exchange: US dollars, Euros, Polish Zloty, Thai Baht and Malaysian Ringgit (I got Russian Rubles yesterday from a local parkrun friend who had some left over so we cut out the middle-man)
  • got an email from the clinic in Berlin where I was planning to get my second jab for tick-borne encephalitis... to say that they do not stock this vaccine
  • launched a new continental search via for tick-borne encephalitis vaccine
  • released a stressed pigeon trapped downstairs in the lounge... and closed the back door
Now I am going to have a cup of tea!

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